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Activity & Events Calendar

Things To Do at #NJsFavoriteResort

Eyes of the Wild at Grand Cascades - 3pm
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Eyes of the Wild at Grand Cascades - 3pm

Hosted at Grand Cascades Lodge


From Saturday, November 4, 2023 to Saturday, December 30, 2023 November 4, 2023 December 30, 2023 Crystal Springs Resort Every Saturday

Join us for a fun and educational program. Professional guides from Eyes of the Wild will share fun facts about the visiting animals. 

Free for hotel guests. No reservations required.

About Eyes of the Wild:

Situated in Hunterdon County, New Jersey, Eyes of the Wild houses and cares for over one hundred animals. Exotic animals, such as sugar gliders, Bennett's wallabies and prehensile tail porcupines, as well as native animals - rabbits, skunks and doves - occupy their facility. They travel all over the northeast to educate people about the animals on our planet and how to make sure we can keep sharing it with them.