Safety and Emergency Procedures

The safety and security of you and your personal property are of the utmost concern to those of us who welcome you as a guest. We urge you to take advantage of the following suggestions:


Do not leave money or valuables unsecured in your room. Please utilize the safe provided. The hotel is not responsible for loss of unsecured property. 


Do not leave valuables or money in your vehicle. Please use the in-room safe provided. The hotel is not responsible for loss of property left in your vehicle. 


For additional security, utilize the lock provided on your door upon entering along with the door security latch. This will prevent the door from being opened by a regular key. 


Do not admit persons to your room without making identification through the security viewer located on the door. If there is any doubt about the identity of anyone at your door or the validity of their purpose, please contact the Front Desk.


Do not leave room keys in your room and do not give your room key to others. Room keys can be replaced at the FrontDesk with proper identification at no charge. 


When checking in, please make note of the nearest fire exits. Locate the nearest alarm pull station and fire extinguisher. Read all emergency information including the layout on the back of your guest room door. Always keep your room key accessible near your bed. 


Please remain calm. Take your room key before trying to exit. Test the door for heat…use the back of your hand to feel for heat in the hallway. If the door is cool, open cautiously and look for smoke. If the hallway is clear, proceed to the nearest exit stairwell. Test the exit door in the same manner and exit the building. If the door is hot, remain in your room and let the Front Desk know you need assistance. Do not use the elevators and do not go to the underground parking garage.